Contributi a convegni e congressi

  • Vezzali, L., & Di Bernardo, G. A. (2018, 27th October). School can educate against violence? Prevention projects of violent phenomena. Relation presented at the VI National Meeting promoted by the Institute od Individual Psychology “Alfred Adler” in collaboration with Adlerian School of Psycotherapy, Reggio Emilia, Italy.
  • Di Bernardo, G. A., Vezzali, L., Giovannini, D., Palazzi, A., Calderara, S., Bicocchi, N., Zambonelli, F., Cucchiara, R., Cadamuro, A., & Cocco, V. M. (2018, 19-21 September). Comportamento non verbale intergruppi “oggettivo”: una replica dello studio di Dovidio, kawakami e Gaertner (2002) [“Objective” non verbal intergroup behavior: A replica of the study by Dovidio, kawakami e Gaertner (2002)]. Relation presented within the Symposium “Nuove direzioni di ricerca sul contatto non verbale intergruppi” [“New research direction on intergroup non verbal behavior”] at the XV National Meeting of the Section of Social Psychology of the Italian Association of Psychology, Bari.
  • Cocco, V. M., Vezzali, L., Hewstone, M., Stathi, S., Lasticova, B., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Liebkinbd, K., Makinen, V., & Cadamuro, A. (2018, 19-21 September). Ridurre il pregiudizio a scuola con il contatto intergruppi vicario [Reducing prejudice at school with vicarious intergroup contact]. Relation presented at the XV National Meeting of the Section of Social Psychology of the Italian Association of Psychology, Bari.
  • Cadamuro, A., Di Bernardo, G. A., Cocco, V. M., & Vezzali, L. (2018, 17-19 September). Ridurre il pregiudizio etnico in etą prescolare: gli effetti di un intervento di contatto immaginato [Reducing ethnic prejudice among preschoolers: The effects o fan immagine contact intervention]. Relation presented at the XXXI National Meeting of the Section of Developmental and Educational Psychology of the Italian Association of Psychology, Torino.
  • Zingora, T., Vezzali, L., & Graf, S. (2018, 6-8 September). Stereotypes in the face of reality: Intergroup contact inconsistent with group stereotypes predicts change in prejudice better than stereotype-consistent contact. Poster presented at the conference EASP Small Group Meeting “Boundaries, norms, and conflicts: Understanding intergroup relations and rising intolerance across Europe and beyond,” Bratislava (Slovakia).
  • Birtel, M. D., Wölfer, R., Hewstone, M., Vezzali, L., Stathi, S., Crisp, R. J., Cadamuro, A., & Di Bernardo, G. A. (2018, 6-8 September). Change context to change intolerance? Social diversity and intergroup contact in majority and minority school children. Relation presented at the conference EASP Small Group Meeting “Boundaries, norms, and conflicts: Understanding intergroup relations and rising intolerance across Europe and beyond,” Bratislava (Slovakia).
  • Mäkinen, V., Liebkind, K., Vezzali, L., & Lasticova, B. (2018, 23-25 August). Comparing the effects of school-based vicarious contact intervention among adolescents in three national contexts: Finland, Italy and Slovakia. Relation presented at the Conference presentation in Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education Conference, Potsdam (Germany).
  • Regalia, C., Manzi, C., Vezzali, L., Di Bernardo, G. A., Turner, R., & Noor, M. (2018, 7-9 July). The role of gratitude in promoting positive intergroup relationships. Relation presented at European Association of Social Psychology small group meeting on Understanding and Transforming Challenging Relationships: Setting a Research Agenda for 21st Century Social Psychology, San Sebastian, Spain.
  • Boni, C. D., Iani. C., Di Bernardo, G. A., Vezzali, L., & Rubichi, S. (2018, 3-6 July). The influence of vicarious interracial relations on cognitive control in Italian undergraduate students. Sepex- Seneca- AIP Experimental Joint Confererence, Madrid (Spagna).
  • D’Ascenzo, S., Lugli, L., Vezzali, L., Iani, C., Rubichi, S., & Nicoletti, R. (2017, September). Le bugie hanno le pupille larghe: Uno studio sul pregiudizio razziale nell’atto del mentire e dire la veritą [Lies have large pupils: A study on racial prejudice while telling lies and truth]. Relation presented at the XXIII National Meeting of the Section of Experimental Psychology of the Italian Association of Psychology, Bari, Italy.
  • Cadamuro, A., Vezzali, L., Di Bernardo, G. A., Stathi, S., & Crisp, R. J. (2017, September). Contatto immaginato e bullismo pregiudiziale: un intervento con bambini di scuola primaria [Imagined contact and prejudicial bullying: An intervention with elementary school children]. Relation presented at the XXX National Meeting of the Section of Developmental and Educational Psychology of the Italian Association of Psychology, Messina, Italy.
  • Vezzali, L., Di Bernardo, G. A., Hewstone, M., Stathi, S., Capozza, D., Trifiletti, E., & Giovannini, D. (2017, July). The importance of selecting the best prejudice-reduction strategy: Direct an indirect intergroup contact interventions. Relation presented the XVIII General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain. ISBN: 9788433860965

  • Di Bernardo, G. A., Vezzali, L., Palazzi, A., Calderara, S., Bicocchi, N., Zambonelli, F, Cucchiara, R., & Cadamuro, A. (2017, July). A new era in the study of intergroup nonverbal behaviour: Studying intergroup dyadic interactions “online”. Relation presented the XVIII General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain. ISBN: 9788433860965

  • Giovannini, D., Vezzali, L., Di Bernardo, G. A., & Stathi, S. (2017, July). Expectancies, cultural distance and group representations as predictors of majority and minority adolescents’ intergroup attitudes. Relation presented the XVIII General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain. ISBN: 9788433860965

  • Stathi, S., Pendleton, S., & Vezzali, L. (2017, July). Do they want contact? perceived outgroup – and ingroup – desire for contact and positive interactions. Relation presented the XVIII General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain. ISBN: 9788433860965

  • Trifiletti, E., Pedrazza, M., Vezzali, L., & Berlanda, S. (2017, July). Cross-race accuracy bias in lie detection. Relation presented the XVIII General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain. ISBN: 9788433860965

  • Stathi, S., Helland, E., & Vezzali, L. (2017, June). Religiosity and moral foundations as predictors of attitudes toward homosexuality. Relation presented at the Ex Nihilo Zero Conference, Academy of Religion, Bologna, Italy.

  • Di Bernardo, G. A., & Vezzali, L., & Giovannini, D. (2017, June). Religion prejudice, and improvement of interreligious relationships. Relation presented at the Ex Nihilo Zero Conference, Academy of Religion, Bologna, Italy.

  • Vezzali, L., Di Bernardo, G. A., Stathi, S., Capozza, D., & Giovannini, D. (2017, May). Taking advantage of direct contact intercultural videos to implement vicarious contact: A school-based intervention for improving intergroup relations. Relation presented at the 15th Symposium on the Contributions of Psychology to Peace.

  • Giovannini, D., & Vezzali, L. (2016, novembre). Terrorist attacks and ongoing wars: Which are the methodologies for studying the dynamics of interethnic and religious conflicts from a psychosocial perspective? Relazione presentata al Convegno “World war III? Death management between new social emergencies and their solution”, Padova.

• Vezzali, L. (2016, Ottobre). Fighting the battle against stigma and segregation with the magic of Harry Potter. Relazione presentata alla 5th Annual Harry Potter Conference at Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia. (invited talk as plenary speaker).

• Presentazione del Simposio “Nuove direzioni di ricerca sul contatto intergruppi”, durante il XIV Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana Psicologia, Napoli, Italia (settembre 2016).

• Trifiletti, E., Vezzali, L., Hewstone, M., Giovannini, D., & Cortesi, L. (2016, Settembre). Contatto intergruppi e riduzione del pregiudizio: l’importanza della combinazione di strategie per il miglioramento delle relazioni intergruppi. Relazione presentata al XIV Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana Psicologia, Napoli, Italia. ISBN: 9788894176216

• Rosnati, R., Ferrari, L., Vezzali, L., & Ranieri, S. (2016, Settembre). Essere genitori adottivi di diversa etnia: il “contatto esteso intragruppo”. Relazione presentata al XIV Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana Psicologia, Napoli, Italia. ISBN: 9788894176216

• Amodeo, A., & Vezzali, L. (2016, Settembre). Inclusione e differenziazione. Relazione presentata al convegno “Valutare per migliorare: il contributo della ricerca psicologica”, Roma, Italia.

• Conduzione di workshop, insieme ad Anna Lisa Amodeo, Claudia Venuleo, Emanuela Maria Confalonieri e Maria Assunta Zanetti, dal titolo “Promuovere relazioni positive a scuola e star bene a scuola, nessuno escluso”, all’interno del convegno “Valutare per migliorare: il contributo della ricerca psicologica”, Roma, Italia (settembre 2016).

•  Vezzali, L. (2015, Ottobre).  The greatest magic of Harry Potter: Reducing prejudice . Relazione presentata (via skype) al 4th Annual Harry Potter Conference at Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia. (invited talk as plenary speaker).

• Vezzali, L. (2015, Ottobre). La lettura come strategia di apprendimento delle gerarchie sociali: la struttura della societą secondo Harry Potter. Relazione presentata al Convegno organizzato da Accademia Militare di Modena e Universitą di Modena e Reggio Emilia dal titolo “Psicologia applicata ai processi educativi: le nuove sfide del cambiamento tra complessitą e intercultura”, Modena. (invited talk)

• Giovannini, D. (2015, Ottobre). Contesti interculturali e processi formativi: il ruolo dell'identitą personale e sociale. Relazione presentata al Convegno organizzato da Accademia Militare di Modena e Universitą di Modena e Reggio Emilia dal titolo “Psicologia applicata ai processi educativi: le nuove sfide del cambiamento tra complessitą e intercultura”, Modena. (invited talk)

• Vezzali, L., Turner, R. N., Giovannini, D., Trifiletti, E., Cacciavellani, G., & Cortesi, L. (2015, September). Il contatto intergruppi rende le persone migliori? Uno studio longitudinale nelle scuole superiori con adolescenti italiani e immigrati [Does intergroup contact make people better persons? A longitudinal study with Italian and immigrant adolescents within high schools]. Relation presented at the XIII National Congress of the Italian Psychological Association, Section of Social Psychology, Palermo, Italy. ISBN: 9788897559283

• Giovannini, D., Vezzali, L., Andrighetto, L., & Saguy, T. (2015, September). Contenuto degli incontri di contatto intergruppi e desiderio di cambiamento sociale [Content of intergroup encounters and desire for social change]. Relation presented at the XIII National Congress of the Italian Psychological Association, Section of Social Psychology, Palermo, Italy. ISBN: 9788897559283

• Vezzali, L., Stathi, S., & Giovannini, D. (2015, July). An innovative intervention to implement estende contact and foster the development of cross-group friendships among young children. Relation presented at the XIV European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy.

• Andrighetto, L., Vezzali, L., Bergamini, G., Nadi, C. & Giovannini, D. (2015, June). Inside the earthquake: Perceived disaster exposure and outgroup helping intentions among italian and immigrant victims of the 2012 Italian earthquakes. Poster presented at the EASP small group meeting: “Dynamics of intergroup relations: Majority and minority perspectives on improving intergroup relations,” Budapest, Hungary.

• Trifiletti, E., Pedrazza, M., & Vezzali, L. (2015, May). Detecting lies in interracial contexts. Poster presented at the 27th Annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, USA.

• Vezzali, L., Giovannini, D., Capozza, D., & Stathi, S. (2014, September). Scrivere temi interculturali come arma per favorire l’integrazione: effetti di un intervento di contatto esteso sulla formazione di amicizie intergruppi [Writing intercultural essays as a weapon to favor integration: Effects of an extended contact intervention on the formation of intergroup friendships]. Relation presented at the Meeting “Passing through the conflict: which psychosocial processes for an active management of social conflictuality” promoted by the Section of Social Psychology of the Italian Association of Psychology, Rome.

• Andrighetto, L., Vezzali, L., Bergamini, G., Nadi, C., & Giovannini, D. (2014, September). Disastri naturali e conseguenze intergruppo: percezione di vittimizzazione e intenzioni d’aiuto tra gli italiani e gli stranieri colpiti dal terremoto dell’Emilia [Natural disasters and intergroup consequences: perceptions of victimization and helping intentions between Italian and immigrant victims of the Emilia earthquakes]. Relation presented at the Meeting “Passing through the conflict: which psychosocial processes for an active management of social conflictuality” promoted by the Section of Social Psychology of the Italian Association of Psychology, Rome.

• Vezzali, L., Giovannini, D., Stathi, S., Crisp, R. J., & Capozza, D. (2014, July). Reducing prejudice among young children with imagined intergroup contact. Relation presented at the XVII General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, Holland.
• Giovannini, D., Vezzali, L., Capozza, D., Trifiletti, E., & De Zorzi Poggioli, L. (2014, July). Longitudinal effects of intergroup contact on explicit and implicit prejudice among majority and minority members. Poster presented at the XVII General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, Holland.
• Vezzali, L., Giovannini, D., Davolio, G., De Zorzi Poggioli, L., & Olmedas, M. d. S. (2013, September). Contatto immaginato e comunicazione interculturale: uno studio con studenti erasmus [Imagined contact and intercultural communication: A study with erasmus students]. Relation presented at the 12th National Congress of the Italian Psychological Association, Section of Social Psychology, Padova, Italy.
• Giovannini, D., Vezzali, L., & De Zorzi Poggioli, L. (2013, September). Il ruolo delle aspettative nel contatto intergruppi [The role of expectancies in intergroup contact]. Relation presented at the 12th National Congress of the Italian Psychological Association, Section of Social Psychology, Padova, Italy.
• Stathi, S., & Vezzali, L. (2013, August). Applying imagined contact as a school-based intervention. Relation presented at the British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section, Exeter, UK.
• Vezzali, L., Giovannini, D., Bergamini, G., Davolio, G., De Zorzi Poggioli, L., Righi, M., & Spagnol, P. (2013, January). Imagined intergroup contact: The role of categorization. Poster presented at the 14th Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
• Vezzali, L., Stathi, S., Giovannini, D., & Davolio, G. (2012, September). Migliorare le relazioni intergruppi leggendo Harry Potter [Improving intergroup relations by reading Harry Potter]. Relation presented at the 11th National Congress of the Italian Psychological Association, Section of Social Psychology, Chieti, Italy.
• Giovannini, D., Capozza, D., Vezzali, L., Stathi, S., Davolio, G., & De Zorzi Poggioli, L. (2012, September). Ridurre l’infraumanizzazione con il contatto immaginato [Reducing infrahumanization with imagined contact]. Relation presented at the 11th National Congress of the Italian Psychological Association, Section of Social Psychology, Chieti, Italy.
• Vezzali, L., & Giovannini, D. (2012, April). Effects of metastereotypes on intergroup relations: When valence matters. Relation presented at the International Conference “From discrimination to empowerment,” Trieste, Italy.
• Vezzali, L., Stathi, S., Giovannini, D., & Davolio, G. (2012, September). Migliorare le relazioni intergruppi leggendo Harry Potter [Improving intergroup relations by reading Harry Potter]. Relation presented at the 11th National Congress of the Italian Psychological Association, Section of Social Psychology, Chieti, Italy.
• Giovannini, D., Capozza, D., Vezzali, L., Stathi, S., Davolio, G., & De Zorzi Poggioli, L. (2012, September). Ridurre l’infraumanizzazione con il contatto immaginato [Reducing infrahumanization with imagined contact]. Relation presented at the 11th National Congress of the Italian Psychological Association, Section of Social Psychology, Chieti, Italy.
• Giovannini, D., & Vezzali, L. (2012, April). The beneficial effects of intergroup cooperation within the workplace: Effects on intergroup altruistic behavior and job satisfaction. Relation presented at the International Conference “From discrimination to empowerment”, Trieste, Italy.
• Portioli, C., Giovannini, D., & Vezzali, L. (2012, February). What do teachers think about acculturation of immigrant children? Relation presented at the 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (IIS) “After Western Hegemony: Social Science and its Publics”, Delhi, India.
• Vezzali, L., Giovannini, D., Salzillo, G., & Righi, M. (2012, January). Metastereotypes and intergroup relations: The role of valence. Poster presented at the 13th Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA.
• Giovannini, D., Vezzali, L., & Contoli, A. (2011, November). Effetti ironici dei libri scolastici: il loro ruolo nell’educazione e nella formazione di stereotipi e pregiudizi [Ironic effects of school books: Their role in the education and formation of stereotypes and prejudices]. Relation presented at the Meeting for the 150 years of the Italian Unification “150 years of educational unification. The books that have educated the Italians,” Reggio Emilia, Italy.
• Vezzali, L., Giovannini, D., & Salzillo, G. (2011, September). Relazioni intergruppi ed effetti benefici dei metastereotipi positivi [Intergroup relations and beneficial effects of positive metastereotypes]. Relation presented at the Meeting “Active citizenship, multiculturalitą and immigration”, Reggio Emilia, Italia.
• Vezzali, L., Giovannini, D., Bianchini, E., & Capozza, D. (2011, July). Reducing explicit and implicit prejudice with imagined contact among Italian children. Poster presented at the XVI General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.
• Giovannini, D., & Vezzali, L. (2011, July). Positive and negative metastereotypes: Effects on intergroup relations. Poster presented at the XVI General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.
• Giovannini, D., & Vezzali, L. (2011, June). Teachers’ attitudes and acculturation orientations toward immigrant children: The role of contact with immigrant parents. Relation presented at the VIII Conference of the European Research Network about Parents in Education (ERNAPE), Milano, Italia.
• Vezzali, L., Giovannini, D., Capozza, D., Stathi, S., & Salzillo, G. (2011, March). Contatto immaginato e riduzione del pregiudizio a scuola [Imagined contact and prejudice reduction at school]. Relation presented at the International meeting “Racism, ethnic prejudice and xenofobia in Italy: Theoretical and research perspectives”, Torino, Italy.
• Vezzali, L., & Giovannini, D. (2011, January). Secondary transfer effects: Role of contact, social dominance orientation, intergroup emotions of anxiety and empathy. Poster presented at the 12th Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
• Vezzali, L., Giovannini, D., & Cantelli, C. (2010, September). Contatto intergruppi, orientamento alla dominanza sociale e secondary transfer effect [Intergroup contact, social dominance orientation and secondary transfer effect]. Relation presented at the 10th National Congress of the Italian Psychological Association, Section of Social Psychology, Torino, Italy.
• Giovannini, D., & Vezzali, L. (2010, February). Lavorare in una cooperativa sociale: Atteggiamenti degli operatori verso gli immigrati ed effetti “ironici” del sostegno istituzionale [Working in a cooperative society: Attitudes of operators toward immigrants and “ironic” effects of institutional support]. Relation presented at the Seminar “Intercultural research and processes for the change: Methodologies, resources and critic areas,” Naples, Italy.
• Vezzali, L., Stathi, S., & Giovannini, D. (2010, January). Improving Italian students’ attitudes toward immigrants: Book reading as a new dimension of extended contact. Poster presented at the 11th Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
• Vezzali, L., & Giovannini, D. (2009, September). Sport e contatto intergruppi [Sport and intergroup contact]. Relation presented at the 9th National Congress of the Italian Psychological Association, Section of Social Psychology, Cagliari, Italy.
• Vezzali, L., Giovannini, D., & Pintus, A. (2009, June, July). Social dominance orientation and acculturation strategies: The role of realistic and symbolic threat. Relation presented at the 12th Workshop on Intergroup Relations: Threat and Intergroup Relations, Jena, Germany.
• Giovannini, D., Vezzali, L., & Pintus, A. (2009, May). Acculturation strategies: Determinants and mediators. Poster presented to the 1rt Conference on Social Psychology in Ireland, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.
• Vezzali, L., Giovannini, D., & Pintus, A. (2009, February). Contact in sport teams: consequences for prejudice and self-esteem. Poster presented at the 10th Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, USA.
• Vezzali, L., Pintus, A., & Giovannini, D. (2008, October). Strategie di acculturazione preferite, attribuite e percepite: Il punto di vista del gruppo maggioritario [Preferred, attributed and perceived acculturation strategies: The point of view of the majority group]. Poster presented and the International Congress of the Interuniversity Center for the Research on the Genesis and on the Development of Prosocial and Antisocial Motivations, Padova, Italy.
• Vezzali, L. (2008, September). Contatto intergruppi: Effetti sul funzionamento cognitivo e le valutazioni dell’outgroup [Intergroup contact: effects on cognitive functioning and on outgroup evaluations]. Relations presented at the Study-Day of the Italian Psychological Association, Section of Social Psychology, “Intercultural spaces: Plots, routes, encounters,” Rome, Italy.
• Giovannini, D., Pintus, A., & Vezzali, L. (2008, Settembre). L’atteggiamento maggioritario nei confronti delle strategie di acculturazione minoritarie: L’importanza di considerare pił livelli di analisi [The attitudes of majority group members toward minority acculturation strategies: The importance of considering multiple levels of analysis]. Relations presented at the Study-Day of the Italian Psychological Association, Section of Social Psychology, “Intercultural spaces: Plots, routes, encounters,” Rome, Italy.
• Giovannini, D., Ferrari, B., Pintus, A., & Vezzali, L. (2008, September). Immigrazione, percezione di sicurezza e mediazione sociale dei conflitti: Il caso “zona stazione” a Reggio Emilia [Immigration, safety perceptions and social mediation of conflicts: The case “railway station area” in Reggio Emilia]. Relations presented at the 7th National Meeting of the Italian Society of Community Psychology, Florence, Italy.
• Pintus, A., Giovannini, D., & Vezzali, L. (2008, June). Host member preferred and perceived acculturation attitudes, quality of intergroup relations and social dominance orientation. Poster presented at the 15th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Opatja, Croatia.
• Giovannini, D., Ferrari, B., Pintus, A., & Vezzali, L. (2008, June). Social cohesion, perceived safety and immigration in a rundown district in Reggio Emilia. Relation presented at the 2nd International Conference on Community Psychology, Lisboa, Portugal.